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In addition we are continuing our regular editorial
In addition, we are continuing our regular editorial policies of commissioning more specialised Clinical Reviews and Series across Group to provide a more focused and in-depth assessment for key diseases. And beyond providing knowledge and information, we want to encourage academic and practising c
En este caso he querido limitarme a revisar la
En este caso, he molar concentration formula querido limitarme a revisar la gran labor que hizo la crítica literaria latinoamericana y, sobre todo, la latinoamericanista, al procurar: Como puede deducirse de lo que se ha dicho hasta aquí, la labor que realizó la crítica literaria fue crucial para d
The core binding factor leukemia involving translocation of
The core binding factor leukemia involving translocation of 8;21 (q22;q22), generating a fusion of RUNX1 and AML1 genes, is considered leukemia-defining, regardless of the number of blasts [5]. This unusual case prompted us to perform comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). Single nucleotide polymo
Wong and colleagues have described higher densities of in
Wong and colleagues have described higher densities of in villages than in farming areas and forests, but that mosquito longevity, which is crucial for development, was higher in farming areas and forests. Brant and colleagues have also described a preference of to bite humans at ground level rat
Introduction Researchers have long followed
Introduction Researchers have long followed the strategy that in order to achieve a fuller understanding of the causes of disease and how they can be prevented, it is necessary to study the biochemical and physiological processes involved in the etiology of disease. As I have argued in previous pap
The present study aimed to examine national trends in
The present study aimed to examine national trends in the use of CRT devices and to determine factors affecting the choice of CRT-D in glycyrrhetinic acid failure patients, based on data from the Japan Cardiac Device Treatment Registry (JCDTR) [13–15]. Materials and methods Results Discuss
Previous case series have reported various success
Previous case series have reported various success rates with VT ablation in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis, likely due to the small number of patients in each series, with varying degrees of disease burden. The most common circuit for VT in one report was reentry in the peritricuspid area, which
This report should help to
This report should help to convince policy makers and programme managers worldwide to address this unfinished agenda of targeted HIV prevention. Investments in programmes for key populations and creation of a conducive environment for HIV prevention and human rights can make a great difference to th
El art culo La ley del g nero de
El artículo “La ley del género” de Jacques Derrida es sumamente revelador en este punto, puesto que evidencia que en el concepto de género, que etimológicamente [genus] remite PLX-4720 la proliferación, la generación, la creación, la hibridez y la mezcla, se halla implícita una orden o un valor que
br Los acervos de Angler a Fern ndez
Los acervos de Anglería, Fernández de Oviedo, Sahagún, Hernández y Acosta dedicados a la historia de los animales no integran bestiarios porque, primero, carecen de independencia, de una configuración que integre la molarity of a solution como unidad y, segundo, sólo en muy contadas ocasiones se
Many studies over the past years have shown the potential
Many studies over the past 20 years have shown the potential of urinary markers in the detection of the presence of bone metastases [3–11], the use of urinary markers for its prognostic value in bone disease [2,4,12–20], as well as directing therapy for bone metastases patients [2,6,12–18,21–25]. Th
Introduction Schwannoma is a benign
Introduction Schwannoma is a benign tumor of neuroectodermal derivation that originates from Schwann gpr44 inhibitor which cover the peripheral nerves [3]. Approximately 25–40% of all schwannomas occur in the head and neck. These tumors most commonly arise in the soft tissues of the head and neck
Esto es visible no s lo en las
Esto es visible no sólo en las notas necrológicas, sino también en los discursos que homenajean ldv alguien en ocasión de su retiro o jubilación. En ellos encontramos rasgos comunes con las notas necrológicas, sobre todo en la idea de una herencia que deja el que se va, y que consiste en la transmis
There was a modest excess risk of
There was a modest excess risk of mortality associated with multidrug-resistant organisms, which was lower than that previously recorded in south Asia. There are methodological challenges in the attribution of excess neonatal mortality with antimicrobial resistance because of known confounding with
The results described thus far suggest
The results described thus far suggest that PtAF-induced atrial remodeling combined with acute atrial stretch facilitates anchoring of 3-D scroll waves to the border of atrial pectinate muscle and prolongs their life span in favor of AF maintenance. However, why is it that scroll waves anchor to the
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